 * \file sundial.c
 * \author Sebastien Beaugrand
 * \sa http://beaugrand.chez.com/
 * \copyright CeCILL 2.1 Free Software license
 * \note Source 1: Astronomical algorithms - Jean Meeus - 1991
 *       Source 2: Astronomical algorithms - Jean Meeus - 1998
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "algos.h"

double gX;
double gY;
double gZ;

 * \fn rotx
void rotx(double a)
    double lY;

    a = RAD(a);
    lY = gY * cos(a) + gZ * sin(a);
    gZ = gZ * cos(a) - gY * sin(a);
    gY = lY;

 * \fn roty
void roty(double a)
    double lZ;

    a = RAD(a);
    lZ = gZ * cos(a) + gX * sin(a);
    gX = gX * cos(a) - gZ * sin(a);
    gZ = lZ;

 * \fn rotz
void rotz(double a)
    double lX;

    a = RAD(a);
    lX = gX * cos(a) + gY * sin(a);
    gY = gY * cos(a) - gX * sin(a);
    gX = lX;

 * \fn main
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int year;
    int month;
    int day;
    double lat;
    double lon;
    double hour;
    double straightStylusLength;  // cm
    double gnomonicDeclination;  // west > 0, est < 0
    double stylusAngle;  // 0: horizontal sundial, 90: vertical

    if (argc != 8) {
        printf("Usage: %s <YYYY-MM-DD> <latitude> <longitude>"
               " <hour> <straight-stylus-length> <declination> <stylus-angle>\n",
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    sscanf(argv[1], "%d-%d-%d", &year, &month, &day);
    sscanf(argv[2], "%lf", &lat);
    sscanf(argv[3], "%lf", &lon);
    sscanf(argv[4], "%lf", &hour);
    sscanf(argv[5], "%lf", &straightStylusLength);
    sscanf(argv[6], "%lf", &gnomonicDeclination);
    sscanf(argv[7], "%lf", &stylusAngle);

    // Julian Ephemeris Day
    double jd = julianDay(year, month, day + hour / 24.0);
    // Julian time
    double t = julianTime(jd);
    // Geometric mean longitude of the Sun
    double L = sunGeometricMeanLongitude(t);
    // Mean anomaly of the Sun
    double M = sunMeanAnomaly(t);
    // Sun's equation of center C
    double C = sunCenterEquation(t, M);
    // True geometric longitude referred to the mean equinox of the date
    double theta = sunTrueLongitude(L, C);
    // Apparent longitude referred to the true equinox of the date
    double lambda = sunApparentLongitude(t, theta);
    // Obliquity of the ecliptic
    double eps0 = eclipticObliquity(t);

#if \
    defined(WITH_EQUATION_OF_TIME) || \
    defined(WITH_AZIMUT) || \
    // Nutation in longitude and in obliquity
    double nutationInLongitude;
    double nutationInObliquity;
    nutation(t, &nutationInLongitude, &nutationInObliquity);
    // Corrected obliquity of the ecliptic
    double eps = eps0 + deg(0, 0, nutationInObliquity);
    // Apparent declination
    double dec = sunApparentDeclination(eps, lambda);
    // Apparent right ascension
    double ra = sunApparentRightAscension(eps, lambda);
#   ifndef NDEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "debug: ra = %.7f, dec = %.7f\n", ra, dec);
#   endif

    // 1: (56) p372
    // 2: (58) p402
    double H = (hour - 12) * 15 + lon +
        equationOfTime(L, ra, nutationInLongitude, eps);
    double P =
        SIN(lat) * COS(stylusAngle) -
        COS(lat) * SIN(stylusAngle) * COS(gnomonicDeclination);
    double Q = SIN(gnomonicDeclination) * SIN(stylusAngle) * SIN(H) +
        (COS(lat) * COS(stylusAngle) +
         SIN(lat) * SIN(stylusAngle) * COS(gnomonicDeclination)) * COS(H) +
        P * TAN(dec);
    if (Q > 0.1) {
        double nx =
            COS(gnomonicDeclination) * SIN(H) -
            SIN(gnomonicDeclination) *
            (SIN(lat) * COS(H) - COS(lat) * TAN(dec));
        double ny = COS(stylusAngle) * SIN(gnomonicDeclination) * SIN(H) -
            (COS(lat) * SIN(stylusAngle) - SIN(lat) *
             COS(stylusAngle) * COS(gnomonicDeclination)) * COS(H) -
            (SIN(lat) * SIN(stylusAngle) + COS(lat) *
             COS(stylusAngle) * COS(gnomonicDeclination)) * TAN(dec);
        gX = -nx;
        gY = -ny;
        gZ = Q;
#elif defined(WITH_AZIMUT)
    // Apparent Sideral Time
    double theta0 = apparentSideralTime(reduceAngle(sideralTime(jd, t)),
                                        nutationInLongitude, eps);
    // Altitude
    double h = altitude(ra, dec, theta0, lat, -lon);
    // Azimut
    double a = azimut(ra, dec, theta0, lat, -lon);
#   ifndef NDEBUG
            "debug: theta0 = %.7f, azi = %.7f, ele = %.7f\n",
#   endif

    gX = 0;
    gY = 0;
    gZ = 1;
    roty(a - gnomonicDeclination);
    rotx(stylusAngle - 90);
#   if defined(WITH_DECLINATION)
    gX = COS(ra) * COS(dec);
    gY = SIN(ra) * COS(dec);
    gZ = SIN(dec);
#   else
    double eps = eclipticObliquityCorrected(t, eps0);
    gX = COS(lambda);
    gY = COS(eps) * SIN(lambda);
    gZ = SIN(eps) * SIN(lambda);
#   endif

    rotz((hour - 24) * 15 + lon - 180);
    roty(90 - lat);

    if (gZ > 0) {
        double x = -straightStylusLength * gX / gZ;
        double y = -straightStylusLength * gY / gZ;
        double sousStylaire = straightStylusLength * TAN(lat);
        if (((month >= 3 && month < 6) || (month == 6 && day < 21)) &&
            (hour - truncf(hour) < 0.1)) {
            if (x > -29.5 && x < 29.5 &&
                y > -28.5 + sousStylaire && y < sousStylaire) {
                printf("%.7f %.7f\n", x, y);
        } else {
            if (x > -29.9 && x < 29.9 &&
                y > -29.5 + sousStylaire && y < sousStylaire) {
                printf("%.7f %.7f\n", x, y);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;