# Sysroot cross compilation installation
cd /data
mkdir aarch64-linux-gnu-12 && cd aarch64-linux-gnu-12  # or :
mkdir arm-linux-gnueabihf-12 && cd arm-linux-gnueabihf-12
mkdir usr
rsync -a -i --delete --checksum $user@$host:/usr/include usr/
rsync -a -i --delete --checksum $user@$host:/usr/lib usr/
rsync -a -i --delete --checksum $user@$host:/lib ./
cd usr
mkdir local
rsync -a -i --delete --checksum $user@$host:/usr/local/include local/
rsync -a -i --delete --checksum $user@$host:/usr/local/lib local/

# Sysroot cross compilation example
cd project4
make build  # for prebuild and test
make test
make HOST=remotehost-xc xbit  # or :
make test
make HOST=remotehost-xc xbuild
make HOST=remotehost-xc xinstall
make HOST=remotehost-xc xtest

# Sysroot cross build package example
cd project8
make build  # for prebuild and test
make HOST=armbian xpipeline  # or :
make test
make HOST=armbian xbuild
make HOST=armbian xpackage
make HOST=armbian xdeploy
make HOST=armbian xtest

# Cross build with old cross compiler
cd ubuntu1804  # example with gcc-7
rsync -a -i --delete --checksum /data/aarch64-linux-gnu-7 .vagrant/
cd project4
make BHOST=ubuntu1804 rbuild  # prebuild
make BHOST=ubuntu1804 rxbit HOST=remotehost-xc  # or :
make BHOST=ubuntu1804 rxbuild
make BHOST=ubuntu1804 rxinstall HOST=remotehost-xc
make HOST=remotehost-xc restart
make HOST=remotehost-xc stest

# Sysroot cross build package with old cross compiler
cd ubuntu2204  # example with gcc-12
rsync -a -i --delete --checksum /data/arm-linux-gnueabihf-12 .vagrant/
cd project6
make rbuild  # prebuild
make rxbuild
make rxpackage
make rxdeploy HOST=remotehost-xc