# Installation
vi host.mk  # vm or remote config
make ssh-copy-id
make remote

# Example 1: build on vm, deploy on remote
make mount
cd ../../project4
make rbuild
make rpackage
make rdeploy HOST=remotehost
cd -
make umount

# Example 2: tests with remote
make mount
cd ../../project4
make build
make BHOST=remotehost rbuild
make BHOST=remotehost rtest
cd -
make umount

# Example 3: to test with vm
cd ../ubuntu2204
make up
cd ../../project4
make build
make BHOST=remotehost rbuild
make BHOST=remotehost rtest

# Example 4: tests with remote service
make mount
cd ../../project6
make build
make BHOST=remotehost rbuild
make BHOST=remotehost rpackage
make BHOST=remotehost rinstall
make HOST=remotehost stest
cd -
make umount

# Example 5: to test remote service with vm
cd ../ubuntu2204
make up
cd ../../project6
make build
make BHOST=remotehost rbuild
make BHOST=remotehost rpackage
make BHOST=remotehost rinstall
make HOST=remotehost stest